The property is located along the Osogbo-Gbongan Road. The development on site consists of a warehouse with an administrative office block attached to it, a generator house and other ancillary structures such as the gate house, staff canteen, cloak...
A warehouse facility alongside ancillary structures located in close proximity to the airport.
The subject property can be approached from the popular Lokoja - Abuja Expressway. Access to the subject property is through Okene - Kaaba Road by Zone 8 roundabout which connects to Lokoja - New Market Road and terminates at Lokoja - Abuja...
A warehouse with ancillary structures Office Building, Gate House, and Generator House.
Warehouse facility consisting of a warehouse, office, workshop and security house sitting on a large parcel of land.
The development consists of 1 bay Warehouse with Generator House, Workshop, Canteen Block, Gate House/ Cloak Room. The bay is demarcated with sandcrete blockwalls into an office and a warehouse with vehicular lockable gates for the warehouse.